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2024 Grading Information can be found here. Leg numbers for grading day can be found here.


JUNIORS (NSG, 12 & Under, 13 & Under, 15 & Under)

5:00 - 7:30pm, Court 38

Sunday 4 February

Sunday 11 February (NetSetGO to attend)

Sunday 18 February

*NetSetGO players are only required to attend one grading session on the 11 February 2024.


18 & Under, 21 & Under and Open training teams

6:30 - 8:30pm, Court 38

Wednesday 7 February

Wednesday 14 February

Wednesday 21 February



From the Venetians By-laws and Policies

Grading Committee

The Grading Committee is comprised of the President, Player and/or Coach Development Coordinator and at least one other non-Committee member. Graders are chosen by the Grading Committee at the beginning of the year and usually consist of experienced open players, coaches and other officials from Venetians. The Grading Committee may decide to call on independent graders. These individuals will be sourced from other clubs or Associations to assist with the team selection process.


The grading process will decide the composition of teams which must have a balanced group of players of similar ability across all playing positions. Venetians aims to ensure that the grading of players is conducted in a fair and consistent manner with the best interests of the players and Venetians in mind. The grading process will also be influenced by the number of registered players in any particular season or age group. Individual grading will be established by the following methods:


  1. Paper grading conducted prior to physical grading and considers previous experiences.

  2. Coaches reports from previous years and observation during the preceding year by the Grading Committee.

  3. Physical trial matches on grading days viewed by the club graders and/or Grading Committee.


All players are required to attend all grading sessions. Any player not available to attend grading sessions for a viable reason, must notify the Grading Committee prior to the commencement of grading and will be placed in the most appropriate team by the Grading Committee according to their previous playing experience.


The following skills and attributes may be assessed, but are not limited to:


  1. Ball handling skills

  2. Footwork

  3. Speed and agility

  4. Attacking skills

  5. Defending skills (four phases of defence)

  6. Shooting style and accuracy

  7. Fitness

  8. Versatility

  9. Ability to play as part of a team

  10. Sportsmanship, effort and attitude

  11. Commitment to the values of Venetians


A player may be asked to play in a position that is not their preference to aid the grading process. These players will be marked as playing out of position.


Team selection

Venetians will select a maximum of 10 players in each team. In special circumstances there may be additional players added to the team and this will be discussed with the members involved. When placing players in teams, consideration is given to:


  1. Team members who have similar skill and ability.

  2. Ensuring teams will have a suitable balance of court areas, that being shooting, mid court and defence.

  3. Players attitude and approach to the game and their team and to training.

  4. The possibility that should Venetians have insufficient registrations in an age group to form full teams, players may be placed in a higher age group, in a team of similar ability in order to place the player in a team.

  5. Ensuring a team will be competitive for their recommended grade.


New players to Venetians will be assessed as fairly as possible and will be placed into a team according to their history and performance during grading. At the conclusion of grading, all players will be advised of when team announcements will be. In some circumstances, due to team numbers needs, a player (or parent of any player under 18 years of age) may be advised by the President or Player Development Coordinator that this player may be placed in a team outside of their age group. The decisions made by the Grading Committee will be final. Any correspondence regarding either pre or post team announcements will only be accepted in writing and forwarded to the Grading Committee.


New player placement into a team post grading

Should there be available space in teams for any age group, Venetians reserves the right to accept new members post-grading. Venetians will review skill and compatibility levels and consider whether the new member should be placed directly into the available position, or whether an existing member should be moved up into the team with availability and the new member then fill the space provided by the existing member moving up.For returning players, there is no guarantee of placement in the same team as the previous year.

© 2025 Venetians Netball Club

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