Thanks to all of our members for your patience and understanding during the first two games of the Winter season. It has been great to see all of our teams out on the court, enjoying our game of netball. It is important to remember that although parents and spectators have not been permitted to watch games, the most important thing is that the season has been able to commence and our teams have been able to play netball in 2020.
Maintaining Hygiene Protocols
We are very fortunate over here in the west to have been able to move through the different phases of restrictions quite quickly. However, we must not be complacent as it only takes one person to transmit Covid-19 in the community to start a cluster as we have seen over on the east coast. Venetians Netball Club does not want any of our members to become one of the statistics and we urge all members to follow the protocols that are in place. We would like to remind all members to stay away from the netball complex if you are unwell in any way.

Meeting points before games
Starting this weekend, we will be encouraging our coaches to meet** their teams either at the cricket oval (if playing on courts 1 – 27) or at the park near the football oval (if playing on courts 28 – 57) to prevent overcrowding near the gates. We must ensure we adhere to social distancing protocols where possible and not put other members at risk by lining up outside the gates. This system will be in place for longer than anticipated and will be reviewed once phase 5 has been confirmed.
**Coaches will liaise with teams and players regarding a meeting spot. If no spot is organised, please remain in car until the gates open.
Spectators at games
Starting this Friday (17th July), up to 10 people will be permitted to be court side per team. This includes the coach, assistant coach, apprentice coach, manager and scorer (or score assistant). Managers will be instructed to put together a roster** which will include the usual scorer/score assistant/timer role as well as a list of spectators who are permitted each week. To keep it fair, only ONE spectator will be permitted per player and this will be decided randomly by the manager. An example of how this may look is below.
We will remove the first aid officer role to ensure more parents and spectators have the opportunity to attend games.
**Managers will send out a roster prior to the weekend.
Spectators and team officials will be allocated a side of the court which they must remain for the duration of the game.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ROSTER EXAMPLE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Team 15 officials
1. Coach: Sian Geldenhuys
2. Assistant Coach: Natasha Fay
3. Apprentice Coach: Holly Covic
4. Manager: Melissa Roberts
5. Scorer/Timer
6. Spectator 1
7. Spectator 2
8. Spectator 3
9. Spectator 3
10. Spectator 5

Game day protocols
Below are the list of protocols that are in place for anyone permitted to attend the complex.
1. Entry is permitted 10 minutes before game start time through gate 2 for courts 1 – 27. Exit within 10 minutes of game completion through gate 4.
2. Entry is permitted 10 minutes before game start time through gate 5 for courts 28 – 57. Exit within 10 minutes of game completion through gate 6.
3. Entry gates will be closed 10 minutes after the game commences.
4. Any members waiting outside may not enter to use the WDNA toilets. They must go to the public toilets at the Dinosaur Park.
5. Teams and spectators must set up on opposite sides of the court. Scoring team can have the western side and non-scoring team the eastern side.
6. The scorer and score checker may sit or stand just outside the designated score box to maintain correct physical distancing. They cannot stand or sit together.
7. All spectators must be 1.5m apart (unless they are family members) on the sidelines.
8. Bench players must also be 1.5m apart on the team bench. Bench players may not wander around the courts unless they are warming up.
9. Chairs are permitted provided they are placed 1.5m apart.
10. No one is permitted to stand on the goal lines.
11. Central timing will continue until the end of round 1 (game 5). Existing COVID-19 hygiene protocols will continue to apply. Goal post pads must be cleaned prior to the start of play; clubs to supply their players with hand sanitizer before and after each game; balls to be wiped after each quarter.
12. There will be no canteen facilities provided – we are still operating on a “get in/play/get out” policy.
13. Players to have their own water bottle and towel – drink carriers cannot be used.
14. No sharing of food – no oranges/lollies permitted.
15. No handshakes/hi-fives/huddles.
16. Teams are to stand in a goal third during breaks.
17. Please move off the courts as soon as possible after the game has finished.
18. Club officials must be registered in MyNetball and be moving from court to court to check on their teams.
19. Any abuse directed at volunteers/staff/Board members will result in a season ban for the abuser.
20. Teams that do not follow these requirements will revert to a No Spectator policy for the duration of the season.
If there are any queries or concerns regarding the protocols that are in place, please do not contact WDNA. These queries MUST be directed to either our president Sian Geldenhuys (0400 438 230) or by emailing the club at