Please read on to find out the latest on strategic planning, round one and game and training protocols.
Strategic planning survey
Venetians Netball Club have been working with Sports Community to develop a strategic plan for the 2021 season and beyond. A sub-committee has been formed and includes some of our committee members, coaches, players, parents and life members. To help the committee gain a well-rounded picture of where the club is heading, we would like to hear from our members. This is an opportunity to have your say and tell us what you love about Venetians Netball Club and also let us know where you think we can improve. The survey will be open until the 10th July and takes around 10 minutes to complete. There are two separate surveys - one for parents and one for players. We would like as many of our members to fill it out as possible.
Click the relevant links below and fill out the survey and you can go into the draw to win one of four $50 Coles-Myer gift cards.
The survey for our players -
The survey for our parents -
We are very grateful for having such wonderful members and value your feedback. Thanks in advance for taking the time to fill out the survey.
Phase 4 and the commencement of the winter season
It has been an exciting time for Western Australians as we entered Phase 4 of the easing of restrictions over the weekend. Wanneroo Districts Netball Association has been busy liaising with Netball WA and the City of Wanneroo to ensure a smooth start to the season on the 3rd July.
It has been decided that spectators will not be permitted at games until we enter Phase 5 which will hopefully occur on the 18th July. At this point in time the officials in attendance to support each team will include the coach, assistant coaches, manager, scorer or timer, a first aid officer and a club official.
We would like to ask all our members to familiarise themselves with Netball WA’s return to netball – phase 4 information which can be found here -
Club Responsibilities
Our members have been extremely supportive during these times and thank you all for your continued support of the return to netball protocols. All members need to be aware of the following information.
1. All committee, coaches and managers must have completed the COVID infection control training.
2. Members need to stay home if they are unwell or present with any of the following symptoms: cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath or have been in contact with another person who has been sick. The club and/or coach should be notified immediately if any one feels unwell and that person should not attend training.
3. All members should keep 1.5 metres between them and others where possible.
First Aid officers
If you have a first aid qualification and would like to nominate to be a first aid officer for your daughter’s team, please email our president Sian Geldenhuys –
We will be looking to recruit some volunteers to assist the association on game days which comes with the added bonus of being permitted to watch your daughter’s game. If this is something you are interested in, please email our president Sian Geldenhuys -
Scorers and Timers
The first five games will be centrally timed by WDNA but all teams are required to supply either a scorer or a score assistant (instead of timer) for each game. Managers will liaise with the team to develop a roster.
Timeslot changes
Year 2 and 3 teams will play at 5.15pm on Friday evenings.
13 & under teams will play at 6.45pm on Friday evenings
The 11 & under and 12 & under teams have moved back to Saturdays.
15 & under teams will all play at the same time slot on Saturdays.
Timeslots for the 2020 season
5.15 pm – Year 2 and Year 3
6.45 pm – 13 & under
8.30 am – Year 4 and 11 & under
10.00 am – Year 5 and 12 & under
11.30 am – 15 & under
1.00 pm – 18 & under
2.30 pm – open
4.00 pm – open
The canteen will not be in operation until the 17th July. All players are responsible for bringing a sufficient amount of water and recovery food.
Food is not permitted to be shared so all players must supply their own fruit/lollies for breaks if needed.
Season fixtures
The season will commence on the 3rd July with the last game scheduled for the 5th September. Finals between 1st and 3rd and 2nd and 4th will be played on the 12th September and the winners will compete in the grand final on the 19th September.
There are no byes scheduled for the school holidays. If you are going away, you must notify your coaches as soon as possible.
Fixtures will be released on Wednesday. If you have not already done so, download the mynetball app for easy viewing.
Training protocols
I would like to thank Helga Maung, Mel Roberts, Karin Green, Jo Whitehead and Haydn Reimers for their support at the gates on training nights.
The same training protocols we have been following will remain in place until phase 5. Only coaches, players and officials will be permitted to be on the courts during training. Please be reminded of the following:
1. Teams, coaches and officials must not arrive any earlier than 10 minutes before their training time.
2. Members must not hang around the gates, instead remain in cars until you can see the gate is open.
3. Members must enter and exit through their designated gates. Gate 5 is an entry and exit gate. Gate 6 is an entry gate only and members must exit through Gate 7.
4. All members must exit the courts quickly within 10 minutes of the completion of training.
Strength and Conditioning during the school holidays!
These holidays, for the first time ever, MH performance is offering 50% off their program. They want to give as many girls as possible the opportunity to experience the netball strength program.
Here’s what they have planned…
* Improve your netball performance
* Prevent knee and ankle Injuries
* Train with an amazing group of likeminded athletes
* Build confidence on and off the court
* Make some new friends!
Over 14 Days you will have access to 2-strength and 1-speed sessions per week. These sessions are designed specifically to have you running faster, jumping higher and changing direction faster than ever all whilst preventing injury.
This program is normally $70 per week for the 3 sessions, however, because we want to make it easy for you to trial the program over the holidays, we’re offering the whole 14-day program for just $25 per week.
So, if any of you were ever considering trying out the program, this holiday program is the perfect opportunity for you!
As you can imagine, with the super low fee and with only limited spots available, the 10 remaining spots for this program will be snapped up really quickly. Simply email or call Tammy on 0437 351 603 and she will make sure your spot is secured.