Although Phase 5 has been delayed further, we are very fortunate to be in Western Australia and we mustn’t take our situation for granted. We must continue to do everything in our power to stay safe and keep our fellow members safe. For this reason, we would like to take the opportunity to remind all our members of the following protocols for training and game days.
I understand that it is a lot to read and digest, but these restrictions have been put in place by WDNA on advice from Netball WA and the City of Wanneroo. Teams that are found to be in breach of the restrictions will lose their spectator privilege and face a possible fine. Teams found flaunting and not taking the restrictions seriously will also have to face disciplinary action from Venetians Netball Club.
1. If you are unwell, please stay home.
2. Entry is through gate 5 and the exit gate is gate 6.
3. Gate 5 will be opened 10 minutes before training commences.
4. Players must exit within 10 minutes of the completion of training. Only coaches or players participating in the next time slot are permitted to remain inside the complex.
5. Members are asked to wait in their cars until the gate is open to avoid crowding at the gate.
6. Gates are closed 10 minutes after training has commenced. If you are running late do not enter through the exit gate. You must let your coach know and they will need to send for someone to open gate 5 for you to enter.
7. Parents are permitted to walk their child to their training court but must leave the court as quickly as possible and exit through gate 6.
8. Players must sanitise before training commences and at the completion of training.
9. Coaches must spray down the goal post pads prior to training and remove them at the end of their training session.
10. Balls must be sprayed down at the end of every session.
11. Bibs must be washed after every session.
12. Coaches must take attendance using Google Forms.
Game day
1. Avoid crowding at the entry gates – teams must meet away from the entry gate (cricket oval, dinosaur park etc) or players must remain in cars until the gate has been opened.
2. Parents are asked to drop off their child and go (unless they are a rostered spectator for the game).
3. Gates are opened approximately 15 minutes before each time slot but this can vary depending on whether or not the complex has been cleared.
4. Entry for courts 1 – 27 is through gate 2 and for courts 28 – 57 it is through gate 5.
5. Entry gates (Gate 2 and 5) will be closed 5-10 minutes after the start of the game. If you are late you cannot enter through the exit gate. You will need to contact the office 9409 9950 or call someone at the courts who can then alert the match office.
6. Players who require strapping may enter earlier but must phone us to gain entry.
7. Players, officials and spectators must exit through gate 4 for courts 1 – 27 and gate 6 for courts 28 – 57.
8. If you exit the complex part way through a timeslot you will not be permitted to re-enter during that timeslot.
9. Each team must wipe down/disinfect one of the two goal post pads prior to the start of the game.
10. Each team is to set up on one side of the court – so that the two teams are on opposite sides of the court (West side for scoring team, East side for non-scoring team). If a team is supplying a score checker then that person is to set up with the scorer.
11. The usual NSG (Set) rules allow for two coaches on opposite sides of the court. During these COVID-19 circumstances, this rule is no longer applicable and all coaches for the team must remain on the same side of the court.
12. Rostered spectators must sit on the same sideline as your team. No one is permitted on the goal lines or limestone walls.
13. Rostered spectators are strictly one per player.
14. Siblings are counted in the allocated 10 people per team. If you have a sibling attend the game, they will be counted as the rostered spectator. If a sibling is present, they must remain courtside and not be playing on the grassed area/playground or adjacent courts. Infants and toddlers in prams do not count in the 10 – all other siblings do.
15. Injured players are counted as a spectator and therefore are counted in the total of 10 people per court. Please make managers aware of injured players so that the roster can be adjusted accordingly.
16. Players can warm up on direction from the team Manager or coach only. If this direction has not been given they must remain on the sideline for their team.
17. Please adhere to social distancing when on the sidelines and remain 1.5 metres away from other members.
We appreciate your cooperation so far and are happy to report that the majority of Venetians Netball Club members are doing the right thing. We ask that you continue to show your support b adhering to the restrictions and please remember that the season is about the players and the teams having the opportunity to play netball.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact our president Sian Geldenhuys (0400 438 230 or
