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Two weeks to go!


Winter Competition Start Date at WDNA

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this unusual start to the netball season. WDNA has closed off registrations and are in the process of finalising divisions and the finer details of the competition structure. However, we can confirm the following. The fixtures have been locked in and are detailed below. The start date has been pushed back until Friday 3rd July to provide clubs and WDNA admin with additional time to prepare. There will still be 10 games played. To ensure the season finishes on time, they have reduced finals to two weeks. On Saturday 12th September finals will be 1 v 3 and 2 v 4. The winners of these two games will meet in the Grand Final on Saturday 19th September as originally planned. The specific time for Year 3s and 15 & under depends on allocation of divisions and will be sent to individual teams once confirmed.

Friday Fixture

4:45 pm – Year 2 & 30 Year 3 teams – these teams will be confirmed as soon as fixtures are completed

6:15 pm – Remainder of Year 3 teams, 13 & Under & Mixed teams

Saturday Fixture

8:30 am – Year 4

10:00am – Year 5 & Division 8 to 12 of the 15 & Under

11:30am – 15 & Under Divisions 1 to 7

1:00 pm – 18 & Under

2:30 pm – Open

4:00pm – Open

Monday Fixture

4:45pm – 11 & Under

6:15pm – 12 & Under

Our president, Sian Geldenhuys will be attending a meeting with the other clubs on the 29th June to receive the specific details for procedures on game day. If you have any concerns or queries please contact Sian by emailing

At this stage WDNA are still limited to 600 patrons at one time in our venue. Therefore, NO SPECTATORS will be permitted in the complex. Parents will continue to drop off and pick up children as they have successfully done during training. Parents will rotate through a scoring roster which will give each player’s parent/carer the opportunity to watch at least one game. There are also some teams still looking for a manager who will be permitted to attend every game, check with your child’s coach to see if they need someone. As soon as phase 4 is announced we will have an opportunity to look at a date for spectators to return to the courts.

Managers wanted

We are still looking for managers for some of our teams. Managers are required to look after the equipment bag, organise a game day roster, assist the coach on game days and liaise with the game day liaisons. One perk of being a manager in 2020 is that you will be able to attend and watch your child play every game! If you are interested, please check with your child’s coach to see if they are looking for one.

Netball WA Phase 3 summary

Netball WA recommends the use of the COVIDSAFE App to assist the return of netball. There are protocols in place that our coaches, players and committee members are following at training sessions.

- All coaches and committee members have completed the online Covid-19 infection control education.

- Hygiene practises are being strictly followed such as sanitising hands before and after training and disinfecting of equipment.

- Players and coaches are entering and exiting through the designated gates

- Parents are required to drop players off no more than 10 minutes prior to their allocated session.

- If necessary, one parent can accompany their child to their court but must leave immediately after arriving at the court.

- Full contact training and matches are now permitted

- Minimising the sharing of bibs

- Social distancing is maintained when not participating in on court activities

- A register of all participants is kept by coaches

We would also like to remind our members not to attend training if they have the following symptoms: cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath or have been in contact with another person who has been sick. The coach should be notified immediately of any of the above. Please note that this will not affect court time in 2020 (as noted in our bylaws), given the current pandemic and need to be extra cautious.

We hope we can all work together to make this season an enjoyable and therefore successful season for all.


© 2025 Venetians Netball Club

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