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Updates for Game 6


Thank you to all our members who are continuing to support the club and WDNA during the current restrictions that are in place. As we look to Victoria and see the chaos that has unfolded over there, it becomes more and more clear that we are doing the right thing over here in Western Australia and by continuing to follow the guidelines as provided by WDNA we ensure the safety of our members and the community.

WDNA have started to impose bans to teams that are not doing the right thing with several teams from other clubs losing their spectator privileges as of this week. I am pleased to report that Venetians NC have not been affected and I thank our teams and members for ensuring we are sticking to the rules. This includes;

1. ensuring there is no more than 10 people on our sideline and spectators stand 1.5m apart.

2. Goal post pads are wiped down before the game.

3. Balls are wiped down before and after the game.

4. Sanitiser is used before and after the game.

5. Do not gather around the gates - meet your team at the park or stay in your car.

6. Leave the complex within 10 minutes of the completion of the game.

Fines will also be handed out by WDNA to anyone who is seen to be doing the wrong thing or not following the guidelines. These fines will be the responsibility of the individual who has issued it and if a fine is received by any Venetians member, they will be unfinancial with the club until the fine is paid. I am confident that this will not become an issue but it needs to be stated.

As of this week, open teams will be playing 15 minute quarters which will be timed by the rostered team each week. The 4.00pm game has also been moved to 4.15pm. for the remainder of the season.

We are half way through the season so lets continue to work together to make this an enjoyable one for all.


© 2025 Venetians Netball Club

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